
Be a Warrior

WarriorKind® is a free online mental health community dedicated to encouraging conversations about mental health and supporting well being.

Join the WarriorKind® Mental Health Community

WarriorKind® mental health community is an online safe space where our members unite whilst sharing their mental health stories and supporting each other. If you would like to become part of an empowering and inspirational peer support network then please feel free to join our mental health community. 

Your Warrior Story

At WarriorKind® we love to share inspiring mental health stories from our members to help normalise honest conversations about our mental health. If we talk and stick together, we can empower, inspire and support one another. Send your Warrior Story to hello@warriorkind.co.uk we would love to hear it.

Urgent Help?

Please click below where you will be guided through to a page of  links, numbers and resources.


We have collated some resources to help us all better understand mental health, so we able to help each other. 
